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Child Custody Attorney in Overland Park, Kansas

When it comes to matters of child custody, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each family's situation is distinct and characterized by its own set of dynamics, challenges, and considerations.

As a family law attorney at Rundberg Law, LLC, I understand the Missouri and Kansas child custody laws and the profound impact custody arrangements can have on the lives of children and parents alike. Through my dedicated child custody services, I strive to provide clarity, guidance, and advocacy to families throughout the Overland Park and Kansas City area.  

Whether you are facing a custody dispute, seeking to modify an existing arrangement, or simply exploring your legal options, I am here to offer the support and representation you need. Reach out today for support. 

Understanding Child Custody Services

Child custody outlines the rights and responsibilities given to a parent regarding the care, control, and maintenance of a child following a divorce. This includes the residence where the child will live, decisions related to education, healthcare, and religious upbringing, as well as the distribution of parental rights. 

In Need of Representation?

Understanding the Benefits of Child Custody Services

Securing professional child custody services helps ensure the welfare of your child, that your parental rights are agreed upon and preserved, and that the legal process flows smoothly. Furthermore, child custody services are geared to foster an amicable arrangement during a divorce, prioritizing the emotional and psychological well-being of the child. 

My practice offers a personalized approach to every child custody case. This means dedicating time to understanding your unique family dynamics and child's specific needs and crafting a legal strategy that reflects the best interests of your child.  

Types of Child Custody in Focus

Navigating the nuances of child custody can be overwhelming. Below, we explore the different types of custody arrangements. 

  • Physical Custody: Physical custody pertains to where the child resides and to how the time is divided between the parents. This can take the form of sole custody, where the child lives predominantly with one parent, or joint custody, where the child's time is equally shared between both parents. 

  • Legal Custody: Legal custody grants a parent the right to make important decisions regarding the child's upbringing. These decisions typically encompass the child's education, religious training, healthcare, and overall welfare. 

  • Sole Custody: Sole custody grants one parent the exclusive right to make important decisions about the child's life. This can be a contentious issue and is predicated on showing the court why shared decision-making is not in the child's best interests. 

  • Joint Custody: Joint custody, also termed shared custody, involves shared decision-making concerning the child's life. This does not necessarily denote a 50/50 timeshare but implicates a joint effort in raising the child post-divorce.  

  • Third-Party Custody: In unique circumstances, third parties can be awarded custody. This often occurs when a parent is deemed unfit, or when the best interests of the child are not served by granting either parent custody. 

Child Custody Decisions

Several factors influence the outcome of child custody decisions, the most paramount being the best interests of the child. The court examines the child's health, safety, welfare, and educational needs, and the availability and quality of healthcare and educational opportunities to determine the most suitable custodial arrangement. 

Child's Preference 

Depending on the child's age and maturity, the court may consider the child's wishes about custody. This can be a delicate matter, and it is imperative to ensure that children fully understand the gravity of their input. 

  • Parental Capacity and Continuity: The court assesses each parent's ability to provide for the child's needs and their established relationship and roles with the child. The courts value continuity in education, home, and community life. 

  • History of Parental Involvement: The historical involvement of each parent in the child's life plays a crucial role. The court examines who was the primary caregiver and who tended to the child's daily needs, particularly in younger children. 

  • Co-Parenting Skills: The court favors parents who demonstrate the ability to co-parent effectively post-divorce. It scrutinizes the willingness of each parent to foster a positive relationship between the child and the other parent. 

  • Post-Divorce Modifications: Life is dynamic, and so are the needs of your children. If you require modifications to an existing child custody arrangement due to changed circumstances, I am adept at representing you in this process. 

FAQs About Child Custody

At Rundberg Law, LLC, I am happy to address some of the most common inquiries I receive about child custody to help clarify and ease the process for you. 

Q: How is child custody decided in court? 

A: The court considers the best interests of the child by evaluating several factors, such as the child's needs, history, parental capacity, and the ability of each parent to provide a stable environment post-divorce. Testimonies, evidence, and professional evaluations may all be employed to support the best interests determination. 

Q: Can child custody be shared equally? 

A: Yes, a court can order joint physical custody if it serves the best interests of the child. This means that both parents share the time spent with the child equally or as close to equally as possible. However, the feasibility of such an arrangement varies based on individual circumstances. 

Q: Can child custody be modified? 

A: Yes, child custody can be modified under certain circumstances, usually when there is a significant change in one parent's or the child's situation. This could include a parent's relocation, remarriage, change in work, or a change in the child's needs. 

Q: Can grandparents obtain custody? 

A: In exceptional circumstances, such as when both parents are unfit, custody can be granted to a grandparent. The grandparent needs to demonstrate that such an arrangement is in the best interests of the child. 

Child Custody Attorney in Overland Park, Kansas 

Child custody is a substantial component of the divorce process that must be delicately handled with the child's best interests in mind. At Rundberg Law, LLC, I am steadfast in my commitment to guiding you through this process and ensuring that your child's well-being is safeguarded. If you need child custody services, do not hesitate to contact me. Together, we can begin the next chapter with confidence and clarity.