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Factors in Determining Division of Assets/Property in Divorce

Sept. 24, 2019

In Kansas, the Court exercises its discretion when dividing the net worth of the parties, and considers the following factors set forth by the Kansas Legislature:

1. Ages of the parties;

2. Duration of the marriage:

3. Property owned by the parties;

4. Present and future earnings;

5. Time, source, and manner of acquisition of property;

6. Family ties and obligations;

7. Allowance of disallowance of maintenance;

8. Dissipation of assets;

9. Tax consequences of division; and

10. Any other factors the court considers relevant and/or necessary to make an equitable division.

In Missouri, Courts must consider all of the following factors in determining a fair division of property:

1. The spouses' economic circumstances (meaning, their current finances and future prospects for income based on their ability to earn) at the time of the dissolution (divorce);

2. Whether and how much each spouse contributed to the acquisition of property;

3. The value of either spouse's non-marital property;

4. The spouses' behavior during the marriage (dissipation of marital assets); and

5. Custodial arrangements for any minor children.